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A Card Can Never Report A Kid’s Future

November 8, 2012


Are you married? Do you have kids? If not then have you ever thought about it? And if yes, then do they go to schools or colleges? Do they appear for exam and show their result sheet to you? I was really afraid of this, what about you? 😉 I know you people are thinking […]

Wishing all the happiness!

October 8, 2012


Today is the birthday of one of the people whom I love, respect and admire the most. And just like past few years, neither can I arrange a party for her, nor can I gift her something as now I live in another part of the same country. Although like every year, I can wish […]

A letter to my Grandfather, who was not part of my childhood!

August 27, 2012


I have no memories of my grandfather with me; He died when I was just one year old. I can only imagine his presence, his personality, his voice, his elegance while looking at that photograph, before which I sometimes stand holding my two hands together while seeking his blessing. I know I can never talk […]

Confusing X and Y chromosomes

May 28, 2012


Few Days earlier one of my best friend called me and said , he is expecting a baby. It was one of those moments which I never experienced before. The reason is very simple- I have never ever in my dreams also imagined that, I have grown up to such an age that , I […]

My Sister …. She-Is-Star :)

October 8, 2011


Today is my sister’s birthday. Neither I can arrange a surprised party for her, nor can I gift her something which she will like the most, as I am far away from her. But what I can do is, I can wish her all the happiness in the world. But does a brother really need […]

Dedicated to my Mother :)

September 20, 2011


While sitting on one of my friend’s balcony, I saw a woman holding her child’s hand in one hand & his school bag in other taking him to his school. I just looked at the boy for few minutes. I don’t know how or why but it took me to 20years back. I felt as […]